Collaborative Divorce News in Maryland

This is a very exciting time for Collaborative Divorce and Collaborative Practice in the State of Maryland. On March 2-4, 2011, the Administrative Office of the Courts, Family Division, sponsored and heavily subsidized an Interdisciplinary Team Collaborative Law Training. This is the first time any state court has sponsored such a training. 120 lawyers were trained, and the training was introduced by Judge Robert Bell, who is the Chief Judge of Maryland's highest court. This training represents a judicial recognition of Collaborative Divorce as a mainstream method of alternative dispute resolution. Collaborative Practice Training Institute, of which Karen Robbins is a founding member, were the trainers at this event.
Also this month, the Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland became the first local bar association to create a Collaborative Law Section, as distinct from their Alternative Dispute Resolution Section. Again, this is a recognition by the largest local bar association in the state of Collaborative Law as a mainstream method of alternative dispute resolution.
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